NC Maphia Military is a rank within the NC Maphia crew, base on grand theft auto. We are delighted to be officially opening our doors, to step in and help NC Maphia Security with the protection of NC Maphia. We are very easy to find as we are based a fort zancudo military base in Los Santos, but if you are an unauthorised personnel, then our team may gun you down. You will only get authorisation if you are part of NC Maphia's grand theft auto organisation online. We participate in the following:
And much more... You will notice us travelling around Los Santos, either by land, sea or air, but that is if you are looking high or low enough. We are always in uniform, no matter what kind of occasion it is, because we would rather stay undetected, but they are sometimes, you will se us roaming around in the sky, because we could be in our jets, causing chaos and that could be us goting to battle or even war with other people. If you cross us in any wrong doing, then you and personally guarantee that we will be their to sort the issue out and no one will ever cross us again.
""I learnt so much from being in the Military. They really drum into you the importance of resilience, leadership, courage and discipline. To be able to pass on those values and the importance of respect to others is fantastic, and a real privilege. I heard about NC Maphia Military and it was the perfect fit for me.""
""When I heard that NC Maphia was bringing another form of security detail to the crew. I must say I was thrilled, because you cannot have enough security with NC Maphia. Now that NC Maphia Military is fully functional, they are getting hundred of thounsands of applications in a day to join NC Maphia. It's a good addition.""
""At first I was unsure about, their being a military rank, but now when I see every member doing what they love, then that brings a smile to my face. NC Maphia Military is not just a rank. It is extra, added security for the crew and we cannot have enough security. Now I see that NC Maphia Military is a great addition.""
Kyle is the founder of NC Maphia and all departments that come within the crew. Kyle is also responsable for the daily running of the crew.
Brian is the owner of NC Maphia. He helps Kyle with the daily running, but all his decisions have to go through Kyle first.
© 2018 NC Maphia Military. All rights reserved | Powered by NC Maphia | Designed by Kyle Logan